Join us for a retreat and seminar in Central France, exploring the arts as a powerful path for coaching, self-reflection, insight and renewal.

Using the arts and the artistic process as a framework, we will expand our personal capacity to coach while investigating the emerging context of the coaching profession.

For coaches and organizational development professionals.

A Way to Connect

As anyone who has stood transfixed by a work of art knows, when we engage with the arts, we connect with something profound in ourselves and in our world. We experience a relationship with ourselves, our shared humanity, and with what is emerging in us.

In a time of chaotic change, developing this capacity to tap into inner knowing and emergent possibility is essential. Somewhere, right now, one of our clients is facing a world she does not understand. Our capacity to see and respond to our clients’ deepest needs becomes our greatest asset.

An International Context

In a global context, today’s coach is an international coach. Through the arts, we enrich our understanding of who we are in this interconnected world. We can see that our unique visions are embedded in a larger understanding. We confront our own assumptions about the world.

A Path Forward

We invite you join us for four days in a unique and very special setting. Using a combination of experiential activities and dialog, we will explore who we are as coaching professionals, and how our work (and our art) is evolving into the future.

April 27 – 30, 2009. St. Julien l’Ars (Poitiers), France. Program delivered in English and French. Inquire for ICF credit.